Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Official Team Neely T-Shirt

We are very, very pleased to announce that the official Team Neely shirts are on sale.  Shirts are $15, and profits go towards Neely's transplant fund.  The wonderful Keri Jenson is taking orders on these spectacular heather gray shirts until February 15, and they will be distributed once they come in.

How to order:
- If you have a paypal account, sign in, and send a $15 payment to  Mark the transaction as a "Gift" under the "Personal" tab.  In the "email to recipient" box, list what size shirt you desire, and it might help to throw in your mailing information as well.

- If you do not have a pay pal account, you can send a check to Keri with your order.  Email her at for a mailing address for more information.

If you have any questions, please email Keri at or us at

Product Reviews:
"$15 for a shirt AND a great cause?!!  Why, that's a steal!  I'm never going to take it off."
- Uncle Jack

"Why, these didn't exist 4 Score and 7 Years ago!  Great product!  Honestly!  It's so hard to find shirts that fit!"
- Abraham Lincoln